Nurturing early-career scientists who push the boundaries of knowledge and contribute to society

Pushing the boundaries of knowledge and contributing to society

Where do we come from, and where are we going?
Since the dawn of history, people have been driven by a deep curiosity to understand the world surrounding them. The School of Science at the University of Tokyo aims to reveal the nature of reality as it continues to pioneer research and deepen humanity’s knowledge. Our world-class School, which has produced several Nobel laureates and a Fields medalist, endeavors to imbue students with the basic skills needed to play an active role not only in the world of research, but also in society at large.

We need your help

 Operating grants, which until recently have served as the base of our funding, have been decreasing year after year. As we strive to improve the efficiency of university operations with limited personnel under these severe conditions, diversification of financial resources, such as using endowment funds to expand self-supported funding for the future, has taken on growing importance.
At present, an increasing number of graduate students find it difficult to devote themselves to their studies, and students are more and more hesitant to pursue higher education for financial reasons. It is crucial to secure funds for the students at the School of Science so that they are able to stand shoulder to shoulder with their peers from the world's top universities in Europe, North America, and Asia, where countries continue to invest public funds in education and research. In addition, hiring these outstanding individuals as research assistants and teaching assistants could help them be considered not only as students but as early-career researchers.
The natural world that we seek to understand has no borders, nor is it unusual to send students abroad to conduct fieldwork, observations, and experiments. Engaging in discussion with overseas researchers is extremely important for the creation of cutting-edge knowledge. However, it is financially impracticable to provide such opportunities to every student striving for both domestic and international acclaim.
As a result of decreases in operating grants and other factors, the upkeep of the research environment is also becoming increasingly difficult. In addition to aging buildings and delays in the provision and maintenance of research facilities, increases in the number of fixed-term posts for employing early-career researchers and training of support staff to facilitate research and education pose constant challenges.

Supporting early-career scientists

We will make the most of your support by providing opportunities for early-career scientists.

1. Improving student subsidies and nurturing talented individuals to be competitive at a global level

Currently, support for graduate students is limited. By using donations to provide scholarships for students who would otherwise face insurmountable financial hurdles in pursuing their education, we aim to create an environment in which students can concentrate fully on their studies. Funds will also be utilized to hire students as research and teaching assistants as part of our efforts to nurture world-class young scientists.Thus, the funds are used for annual tuition support, research assistant expenses, teaching assistant expenses, etc. 

2. Creating a research and educational environment that helps students acquire a broad perspective

We nurture internationally active young researchers by using donations to provide study-abroad opportunities for students and to invite outstanding academics and students from overseas. We implement exchange programs to stimulate research activities and encourage cultural exchange so that our students gain a global perspective, and they can use their academic skills to contribute to solving social issues. Thus, the funds are used for financial support for study-abroad programs and for bringing students and early-career researchers from overseas to the School of Science.

3. Establishing an environment that facilitates education and research

By using donations to upgrade buildings, facilities, and equipment, we aim to create an environment that helps students actively engage in research at the School of Science. Thus, the funds are used to cover expenses arising from upgrades to the research environment, financial support for the activities of early-career researchers, and financial assistance for hiring support staff.

Dean’s Appeal

Since the founding of the University of Tokyo in 1877, the School of Science has taken up the challenge of pioneering the world's most advanced science. Probing the birth of the universe, tracing the evolution of life, explaining the origins of matter, and identifying the molecules that support human existence: these are some of the ways we have been working with society to realize humanity’s dreams of untangling nature’s most fascinating mysteries. To further develop these efforts, it is essential that we nurture young scientists who are active on the international stage. Your support makes the difference in this endeavor.

Shin-ichi Ohkoshi

Dean of the School of Science,

The University of Tokyo


For more information about our research and education, please visit:

 icon-outside01-blue01.png  The University of Tokyo School of Science website

 icon-outside01-blue01.png  The Rigakubu News (School of Science Newsletter)


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Project Leader

Shin-ichi Ohkoshi

Dean of the School of Science

The University of Tokyo

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