Our UTokyo Excavation project brings ancient life to light.
Somma Vesuviana Excavation Project
Cultivating the drive and ability to create social infrastructure for the next generation
The UTokyo Fund to Improve the Research and Education Environment for Civil Engineering
Toward Long-Term Biodiversity Observation for the Next Generation
Nature Positive Fund
Creating a world-class research environment to open up Asian wisdom to the world
The University of Tokyo Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia Fund
"Preservation and Restoration of National and Human Cultural Heritage."
Fund for the Historiographical Institute of the University of Tokyo
Convergence of technology and power of younger generation to bring the memories of disasters into the future
Fund for Digital Archives of War and Disasters
Detecting “gravitational waves” and witnessing a whole new universe observed through gravitational waves
KAGRA Large-scale Cryogenic Gravitational Wave Telescope Project
Toward medical treatment in the time of COVID-19 and after
Future Medical Development Fund (The Institute of Medical Science)
Elevating Japan's proud botanical garden to the global stage
Life in Green Project (Koishikawa & Nikko Botanical Gardens)
Nurturing early-career scientists who push the boundaries of knowledge and contribute to society
The UTokyo School of Science Fund
Cultivating scientific minds with a global perspective to pursue innovation in the mathematical sciences
The UTokyo Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences Fund
Supporting outstanding students and early-career researchers who will play a leading role in the next century …
Aerospace Research Education Support Fund
Cultivating policy professionals who will engage in public policy in a broad range of fields
Graduate School of Public Policy Fund
“Designing future vaccines to protect the lives of many”
Near-Future Vaccine Design Project
Promoting cross-disciplinary research between scientists and artists to establish a unique methodology of muog…
The Muographic Liberal Arts Fund
Exploring the mysteries of the universe through cutting-edge physics, astronomy, and mathematics
Creating Japan’s Einstein: Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (Kavli IPMU)
Uncovering solutions to many global challenges by studying Japan from diverse perspectives.
UTokyo Center for Contemporary Japanese Studies
Fostering young researchers in ICRR to solve the mystery of both the largest Universe and the smallest particl…
Supporting Young Researchers in the Institute for Cosmic Ray Research (ICRR)
Aiming to be the best animal hospital in the world that is friendly to both animals and people
The University of Tokyo Veterinary Medical Center Future Fund (The University of Tokyo VMC Fund)
Tackling humanity’s ultimate question
International Research Center for Neurointelligence (IRCN): How Does Human Intelligence Arise?
Programs to foster engineering professionals for the world stage
International Engineering Student Enrichment Fund
Fostering the next generation to accelerate technological innovation so that Japan can contribute to the world…
The Dream and Romance of Titanium Fund
Nurturing talented chemistry professionals able to pioneer new fields of inquiry
Fund for Social Innovation through Chemistry