- Aiming to be the best animal hospital in the world that is friendly to both animals and people -
About UT-VMC
The University of Tokyo Veterinary Medical Center (UT-VMC), was established in November 1880 as the Komaba Agriculture School Livestock Hospital. In the same year, the hospital started its activities for clinical veterinary education under the mentorship of Johanes Ludwig Janson, a veterinary professor from Germany. We are the oldest veterinary education hospital in Japan, celebrating its 142th anniversary in November 2022.
The UT-VMC is currently located in the Yayoi (Faculty of Agriculture) Campus. As of 2019, our community consists of a total of 140 people including graduate and undergraduate students in clinical laboratories as well as 53 veterinarians, 8 veterinary nurses and 7 clerical staff in the hospital.
We treat a total of 13,000 patients annually and conduct education and research using the clinical cases. Furthermore, we also accept a broad variety of visitors.

The Veterinary Pathology Laboratory, which is currently operating as a division of UT-VMC, has preserved the specimens of the lung, heart, liver and spleen of Hachiko, the most famous faithful dog in Japan, and investigated the cause of Hachiko’s death. As a result, it became clear that in addition to the previously known cause of death, canine filariasis, Hachiko was affected with lung and heart tumors. This achievement was published in 2011 prior to the unveiling ceremony of "The Statue of Dr. Ueno (owner of Hachiko) and Hachiko" placed in the Yayoi Campus of the University of Tokyo in March 2014. We continue to preserve samples for future generations, hoping to encourage new findings as in Hachiko’s example.
About UT-VMC Future Fund
Companion animals, such as dogs, cats and even exotic animals enrich people's lives. In addition, interacting with animals raises our spirits and nurtures a caring heart for other human beings, as well as all living things on earth and the environment.
Through advanced medical care for companion animals, the UT-VMC builds a happy and thereby better relationship between humans and animals and supports the peace and health of people's social lives.

As a veterinary education institution for the next generation combining 1) excellent skills and 2) rich humanity, UT-VMC is highly expected to be a top leader in veterinary clinical practice not only in Japan but also worldwide.

However, it has been 32 years since the completion of the current building of UT-VMC, and it is experiencing serious deterioration. Even though it is urgently necessary to renovate the facilities and improve the environment, it is difficult to even update the medical equipment due to the recent cost reductions of national university corporations.
We have made various management efforts, such as cost reductions, but the situation is still far from developing a fundamental solution.
In order to develop and educate human resources who will support the future of veterinary medicine, it is necessary to renew medical facilities and equipment, expand the staff structure and improve employee treatment.
Under these circumstances, we have launched the UT-VMC Future Fund.

Our Wishes
As we celebrate our 142th anniversary in 2022, we would like to rebuild the hospital system to one that looks ahead to the next 10 or 100 years. 142 years ago, Dr. Janson traveled from far-away Germany to Japan and laid the foundation for Japanese veterinary education. Dr. Janson contributed not only to the education for veterinary medicine, but also lessons in social dancing at the Rokumeikan (the official dance hall in Tokyo), which led to the modernization of Japanese culture. He passed away in Kagoshima where he spent his last days with his wife.
UT-VMC wishes to realize the international training for veterinarians that Dr. Janson aimed for. We wish to contribute to the realization of a society where people and animals can live happily together for the next 10 to 100 years. Based on the three pillars of advanced medical care, education and research, we will first create a veterinary hospital that is friendly to all animals and people who visit the hospital and to all the staff who work there.

Message to contributors
The UT-VMC will continue to support animals and their families through the treatment of sick animals. Dr. Janson, who came to Japan from Germany 142 years ago and built the foundation for veterinary medicine in Japan, had already been teaching in English with the intention of training international veterinarians.
It is the wish of all our faculty members to realize the dream and future vision that Dr. Janson entrusted to the University of Tokyo. Additionally, we aim to be the best animal hospital in the world that is friendly to both animals and people, where everyone visiting us can trust their future to.
We need the support of many people to fulfill our mission as a top leader in developing talented human resources who can flourish worldwide. The support you provide impacts us.

How your donations will be used
Your donations will be used for the following purposes.
1. Improvement of medical facilities: We aim to create a hospital environment that is friendly to animals and their owners, such as making the facilities accessible to all or “barrier-free”.
2. Introduction of minimally invasive treatment: By introducing the latest medical equipment, we will achieve accurate diagnosis and treatment with as little burden as possible on the animal's body.
3. Education for veterinarians: We will improve education for veterinarians in order to enhance nighttime medical care and to provide appropriate veterinary services
Inquiries about the plan contents
Office of Veterinary Medical Center, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo
1-1-1 Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8657, Japan
Phone: +81-3-5841-5421
FAX: +81-3-5841-8012
E-mail: vmc-jimu.a@gs.mail.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Related URL
Veterinary Medical Center, The University of Tokyo