Shaping the Furture Together
Message from Director
The University of Tokyo announced the guiding principle UTokyo Compass “Into a Sea of Diversity: Creating the Future through Dialogue” and aims to create a better future society that is inclusive and free, by setting key goals from the three perspectives: “knowledge,” “people,” and “place.”
Tokyo College is an institution that plays a central role in all these three perspectives. We aim to build “knowledge” that transcends disciplines in a global “place” that engages with society at large, while at the same time nurturing “people,” especially early career researchers.
I appreciate your encouraging support for our activities.

Director, Tokyo College, Institute for International Advanced Studies, The University of Tokyo
About Tokyo College
Tokyo College was founded in February 2019 to serve as the central interface between researchers and citizens for creating the future together. We invite leading researchers, intellectuals, and promising early career researchers from around the world to interact with members of the University of Tokyo as well as with society in general to explore the creation of new knowledge.
Our Philosophy
Joy of Discovery and Power of Knowledge
Key Research Theme
The Earth and Human Society in 2050
Our Mission
・Advance academic excellence and interdisciplinary research relevant to the future of the earth and human society
・Co-create and share transformative knowledge with society and to shape the future together
・Nurture early career researchers for interdisciplinary research
・Create a space for interdisciplinary collaboration with the rest of the University of Tokyo and researchers all over the world
What we do
1. Invite Distinguished Researchers We invite distinguished researchers and intellectuals from abroad and Japan.
2. Nurture Early Career Researchers We recruit promising early career researchers and connect them with established researchers at the University of Tokyo.
3. Foster Research Collaboration We advance cutting-edge, interdisciplinary collaborative research involving researchers affiliated with Tokyo College and the University of Tokyo.
4. Build Institutional Networks We establish joint programs with world-leading academic institutions (e.g. faculty exchange with the Collège de France and joint post-doctoral program with Princeton University).
5. Share Knowledge We share cutting-edge, interdisciplinary research with members of society through various public events.
Donation for Tokyo College
・ $350 can allow us to fund ONE WORKSHOP for a research group.
・ $1,000 can provide ONE PUBLIC LECTURE with simultaneous interpretation in English and Japanese.
・ $3,500 can allow us to organize ONE SPECIAL LECTURE of an outstanding researcher.
・ $14,000 can allow us to invite ONE LEADING RESEARCHER of distinguished achievement.
Message from an Invited Researcher
As a scientist strongly involved in technological developments and their societal applications, I could enrich and deepen my perspectives to this aim by interacting with historians, literary scholars, jurists and economists at Tokyo College, and be challenged by different cultures and ways of thinking. Tokyo College provides an outstanding environment for making cross-disciplinary discussions easy and productive.

Research Director Emeritus, Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS)
Director Emeritus, Institut Curie
Director Emeritus, Institut Pierre-Gilles de Gennes (IPGG)