<Important announcement>
Our fundraising campaign for this project has been closed.We are grateful for your generous support!
Project Report
Following the invasion of Ukraine by Russia on February 24, 2022, UTokyo implemented a special program to temporarily host and provide an educational and research environment for students and researchers who find it difficult to safely continue their education and research. By the end of the academic year 2023, a total of 45 people, including 24 students, 11 researchers, and 10 family members, have been hosted by our university. We have provided financial support (such as travel and living expenses), housing support, and daily life support such as Japanese language classes and counseling. The donations to this fund that was set up have been used to provide financial support, such as living expenses, for the accepted students and researchers. It was not enough to rely solely on the university's financial resources to accommodate many individuals, and thanks to the donations, we have been able to continue to provide stable support for them.
The accepted students and researchers are not only able to continue their studies and research in our faculties, graduate schools, and research institutes, but are also able to participate in gatherings with faculty and staff members, including the University President, as well as in exchange events organized by the departments and the Center for Global Education; GlobE, which deepen mutual exchanges. In addition, students are able to take the Global Liberal Arts Courses offered by GlobE. We are committed to providing opportunities for those accepted to study, conduct research, make friends, and contribute to their future during their stay at our university.
Considering the local situation, UTokyo extended the support period to a maximum of two years. By the end of the 2023 academic year, many of the accepted students and researchers have taken the next steps, such as going into further education, employment, or returning to their home country, even though there are still challenges in many aspects. While the support at our university is still ongoing, we will continue to use this fund and support them until the end of the support period.
As we close the donation period for this project, we would like to once again thank all of our supporters from the bottom of our hearts.



About the Emergency Relief Fund for Scholars and Students at Risk
President’s Message
The recent invasion of Ukraine by Russia, which is an attempt to unilaterally change the status quo by force of arms, is totally unacceptable.
I am deeply concerned about this situation, and in my message on February 25, I stated that, as a "university that serves the public interests of the world", we will take the necessary actions, including providing support for the people affected.
The mission of the University of Tokyo is to create a space for intellectual pursuit, that is open to the world and free from discrimination, for the future generations of Japan and the world.
As a result of this crisis, there are many students and researchers in Ukraine and neighboring countries who are unable to continue their education and research as they are not in a safe condition to study or conduct research.
These people are now facing a difficult situation, and the University of Tokyo has been urgently considering how to provide humanitarian assistance to them.
We are pleased to announce today that we will be launching a special program to accept these students and researchers for a short term at the University of Tokyo to support their education and research.
The University will be listing the educational and research environments we are able to offer on our website, and provide information to potential applicants about financial support (travel expenses, living expenses, etc.), housing support, and living support.
I believe that this is the first attempt of this sort by the University of Tokyo.
Even though we are still working out the details for the actual operation of this project as we go along, we are committed to making a definitive action in response to this situation.
To be able to respond quickly and reliably to these initiatives, the University of Tokyo will be providing this support program using its own financial resources.
However, there is a limit to what support we will be able to provide solely with our own financial resources.
Therefore, we have opened the "Emergency Relief Fund for Scholars and Students at Risk" to help as many students and researchers as possible who are facing difficulties through this program with your cooperation and kind support.
Your warm support for this undertaking would be greatly appreciated.
The University of Tokyo
Use of the Fund
The following support activities will be provided to students and researchers who are unable to continue their education or research due to the current situation.
(1) Pre-departure inquiry desk
(2) Financial support ( travel expenses and living expenses for up to one year)
(3) Housing support ( accommodations, etc.)
(4) Living support